eBook Conversion Services by eBook Publishing Companies

eBook conversion services are popping up everywhere these days.  If you don’t know how (or don’t want to take the time) to convert your book by hand, and you don’t want to use automated conversion software, you can consider using the eBook conversion services of one of the eBook publishing companies. eBook publishing companies will convert and format your book for you, allow you to review the files before they’re completed, and certain eBook publishing companies even distribute your eBook to various online resellers, like Amazon.com and the Apple iBookstore, for you.

It’s beneficial to hire an eBook publishing company to convert and format your book for you because, in the long run, it’s less work for you (and many eBook publishing companies let you retain all the rights to your word).  Make sure you understand the eBook conversion services provided by any ebook publisher you're thinking of working with.

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